cartoons, Ideas, inspiration


If you could have something named after you, what would it be?

I’m not sure I care that much about having something named after me (I named a couple of stars after my ex. She feels further away than both of those stars now, even though we both still work in the same building), but I’d like to think that I coined the term ‘stripisode’.  Obviously, comic strips have been around a long ol’ time, but I wanted a term for one of my comic strips ‘Still Life’, which is longer than a standard newspaper strip, but shorter than a full page strip in the Beano, so the term ‘stripisode’ was born. It’s not in the Oxford English Dictionary yet, but I’m working on it.

One of around 150 ‘stripisodes’ I’ve created (inspired by an original idea from my great friend Mike Chapman). Check them out on my Facebook page, John. D. Payne Author.

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